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Holiday Fun

iceskating polaroid for web“OK, Daddy, you can let go now!” Last weekend, we had the pleasure of fulfilling a dream Eloise has been talking about since last winter: going ice-skating. The rink at the Lincoln Park Zoo Farm was crowded, but festive and charming, and Ellie had a blast. It was a great way to kick-off the holiday season. Eloise was fearless, and watching her little legs go a mile a minute as she tried out “new moves” was hysterical. I’ll join you on the ice next year, sweetie! For now, watching Mike and Ellie was such a sweet moment.

Gold Stars 2*The Nutcracker. I chaperoned Ellie’s class trip to see a truncated, kids’ version of the Nutcracker this week. To be honest, I had my doubts whether 18 three-year-olds would have the interest to sit through even an hour of ballet. But you should have seen their captivated faces. Mouths hung open and eyes were wide, just staring at all of the colorful costumes and beautiful movements. They cheered when the Nutcracker defeated the Mouse King, clapped for the Sugar Plum Fairy,  and danced to the music. It was adorable.

*Holiday Cards! Every day, I’m like a little kid…smiling as I open the mailbox, so excited to open that days’ bunch of cards that came in. Holiday cards are one of my favorite traditions. And it’s such a thrill to see so many faces in photos I have taken over the year smiling back at me. My clients aren’t just clients. They are friends. I love sharing their special moments, and watching their kids grow. Seeing so much happiness documented in this special way, combined with blessings and well-wishes, personifies the holiday spirit.

*All is calm, all is bright. Mike’s work schedule caught us off guard this week, when he spontaneously had to be on the West Coast for four days. Normally, that wouldn’t be too big of a deal. But last year, I was hospitalized twice during my pregnancy with Hannah while Mike was away on business. Even though this is a different pregnancy, a different baby, and a very different situation…we can’t just shake our past experiences off that easily. There was a lot of anxiety around my being on my own with Ellie, Dorey, and the Baby Bump this week. But alls well that ends well, and Mike returned safely late last night. Phew. We are hoping he can stay close to home for the next 2.5 months. And that things continue to be calm and uneventful with regards to the littlest sister.