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Jack in Lincoln Park

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I was so honored to take this family’s photos last Sunday morning. Marj and I have a strong bond in motherhood…an unfortunate one that is forged in heartbreak and loss. Marj and Josh lost their second baby boy, Mason, several days after his birth in June. Mason and Hannah’s situations were different, but so much about Marj and Josh’s journey was similar to the one Mike and I have found ourselves on. I know firsthand how difficult it can be to take family photos when there is a glaring hole where another child should be. But I also know that taking family photos after a loss like this can be strangely comforting, too. I love that Marj and Josh decided to represent Mason with a sweet blue pinwheel in some of these photos. A physical reminder of someone who will always be with them spiritually. Whenever there is soft, bright sunlight in the background of one of my own family photos, I love to think that is Hannah peeking in. My eyes filled when I saw the soft light that drenches every single one of these images. Mason was definitely smiling down on his family. It was wonderful to catch up with you, Marj and Josh. I hope you find some peace in these photos. And Jack…great job, bud! You totally rocked it! Your smile just lights up the world.

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